This Wound


This wound…
This wound has hurt.
I guess it needs
more love.

This wound
has stayed with me
for months
whispering my inadequacies
like bombs.

This wound
lies to me,
making me believe
I am unlovable.

Your words,
like cowardly venom,
have poisoned
my mind,
my heart,
my body.

Your actions,
your inaction
has shown me

This wound
was here
before you.

You just helped it
gape more.

There are those
who have lovingly
sucked the venom out
time after time.

Will it ever be
completely gone?


I won’t force.
What it needs here
more love
more love
more love.

And I’m not waiting
for anyone else
to bring it.

It’s right here,
right now,
from my broken open heart,
loving me.