Energy Alchemy Sessions


(If you are ready to book, YAY! Fast track your booking by clicking here or paging down to the bottom of the page.)

I work with people one-on-one via Zoom in divinely-led co-creative sessions. Each session is unique based on the energies of whatever is happening in the Now. We focus on whatever is there for the client.

Sessions can include a mix of energy work, astrology, mentoring, channeling, and oracle cards. We can also focus on one modality, such as astrology, if that is your preference.

I hold space for clients to connect to their own personal Divine Flow in whatever way is best. This is the most efficient way to relax into and allow positive change Now. It is usually fun, too.

The reasons to book a session are many. I’ll include some here:

  • Looking for clarity on a specific life choice or issue.
  • Going through a big transition and need guidance or support.
  • Searching for more information on your specific path or purpose.
  • Desiring more insight into a specific relationship or relationships in general.
  • Wanting to connect with your higher self/guides.
  • Interested in fast-tracking manifestation by aligning with your natural energies and guidance.
  • Desire to know self better and live more deeply in your true essence.

Your investment: $180
(Energy Alchemy Sacred Community Members: $90)

If you are ready, you can schedule a date and time and complete payment below:

Disclaimer: By taking advantage of any services offered, you agree to take responsibility for your own choices and actions. Serena Portal is not liable for any change that comes as a result of the choices and actions you take, even if the ideas were sparked in a coaching