When You Smell a Rat.

When a situation looks ok on the surface, but doesn’t feel right for some reason, it’s not right.

When your spidey senses tell you something is rotten in Denmark, believe them.

When you know, deep down, something is amiss, trust that.

There can be a deep desire in the mind to KNOW exactly what is not right about the situation. Sometimes we can find out. Many times we can’t. It’s ok to trust anyway. It’s ok to walk away. In fact, letting go is often the only thing which eventually brings the deep truth back around. Paradox.

What to do when the not knowing is making us crazy? Be with that. Breathe. Allow yourself to be in the not knowing. Allow yourself to be in the crazy space, fully knowing, you are not crazy.


Loving the Distance Practice


Here’s a practice I came up with this morning…

If there is someone you love, but you are not physically with them, one can use that seeming “physical distance” to bless everything in it’s path.

It’s super simple.

Instead of being sad not to be with that person, (although, you can be sad if you want/need to be), I find I can tune into their energy and experience the connection. From there, it’s a 2-way lovefest that can be imagined to travel whatever distance there is between the two of you. Whether that’s down the block or from here to Mexico.

Try it! So good at these times. Tell me about your experience in the comments. I wanna hear. I love doing energy experiments. 😉