No Obligation


There is a natural human need to be wild. A part of us that just wants to be free in the world as our sovereign selves. To escape the mundane, to evade the usual, to have a wide open road in front of us. If even for just 2 hours. Even if it’s just across town.

There is a part of us that very much needs to not be tied to texts, email, social media, or even the person we love most in the world.

There is a part of us that needs to just feel our selves and the air in front of us with no obligation.

No obligation.

We all need this time. Some of us more than others. We have a complementary need for security, but most people understand and spend their lives in service to the security need.

When do we service our wildness with no obligation?

Understanding the importance of this can help a lot of things. It can help us to not feel guilty when we want to break away from loved ones. It can help us to not feel slighted when loved ones need to break away from us. And I’m serious, sometimes 2-8 hours is enough. But we all need it sometimes.

Taking this need into consideration and allowing the space for it in our lives and relationships can mean the difference between health and implosion.

I don’t have all the answers of how to make this work in your life. The solutions are infinite. Your soul will tell you. I’m writing this as a spark of inspiration, a permission slip to tell you that you are not wrong or bad for wanting to break free sometimes. Our world has become so much more free in some ways and so much more tethered in others. It’s ok to break those tethers sometimes. It’s normal to want that.

You are human.

You are sovereign.

You are divine.

If you feel drawn to more support on this or any other topic important to your heart, book an Energy Session.

