Freedom Like Fresh Air

Like fresh air
Breathing it in
Feeling its shimmer

We love this
We are this

No need to get addicted
No need to overreact

You are this.

Maybe you don’t know
Maybe you don’t feel

I feel this
For us all.

The Evolution of My Work


The Universe has been showing me for a while that I am not simply an astrologer. I am someone who brings my attention and presence to whatever is of importance to the person in front of me. And from there, I share whatever tool feels most relevant. Sometimes I am drawn to listen. Sometimes I get intuitive information or stories to share. Sometimes I am drawn to check their astrological chart for meaningful information. Sometimes it’s energy work or cards.

It seems when I try to just straight up interpret the chart from one bit to the next (even when people think they want that), a session just doesn’t have the meaning and heart that I have come to love in my sessions. It’s too much in the head. It doesn’t feel connected to the heart of the person in front of me.

Now, sometimes I have tried to just eschew astrology and act like I’m not going to use it. And then I often find it ends up being the perfect tool.

Life is so funny.

I have even thought… maybe I won’t do sessions anymore. Maybe something else is in my highest excitement. And my guides said… “Ummmm… no.” hahahahaha. Ok.

But the truth is that I need to do them from my highest excitement, which comes from meeting the soul in front of me in the NOW. It’s not about telling the future, although sometimes that happens. It’s not about preparation or ME having all the answers, although sometimes that happens. It’s about presence NOW to what matters NOW because that is all we have.


Grace and ease prayer

Breathing into
the feeling
of grace and ease
and resting
as long as I want.

the time between
these earthly lives
and maybe other lives
as well.

We can rest as long
as we want in between.
There is time to heal.
Time to celebrate.
Time to rejuvenate.

We are eternal BEings.

There is continuity.
We don’t ever really die.
We just change form.

So I asked God
for that experience now.
To rest fully
in my BEingness
right here
right now
in this earthly life.

The only thing
which stops us
from accessing
this level
of Grace and Ease
is our conditioning.


There is continuity
between lives.
Amongst all Life.
There can be overlap
of the ease of Heaven

My soul in this body
chooses Grace and Ease

The answer is Yes.

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Mission creek

I walked into the woods
to let go.

The sadness,
the grief,
the self judgment.

I walked and walked,
round and round,
hoping, hoping
to wear it out of me

The trees whispered
remembrances to me.

Not me remembering them.
Them remembering me.

They remembered
and love,
and passion.

“We see you,”
they said.
“We witnessed
it all.”

I did not imagine it, then?

We see you.”

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