The Answer is Yes

The Answer is Yes Meme FB

I am blessed with magical, creative, beautiful friends. One such friend is my dear Greta Jane (pictured above).  One of Greta’s many talents is the facilitation of Wish Spells, a tender exchange and ritual of co-creation.

Official Wish Spells begin with a guided meditation, helping us connect with the infinite possibilities of this moment and the poetic voice of your heart. Once your heart is speaking I will help you to clarify your intention, refining until we find a powerful, resonant phrase; your dearest heart’s wish. You will write this wish on an Official Wish certificate.  I will then choose ingredients from a medicinal bouquet of flowers and other accoutrements, that I believe are in alignment with your wish. Activating your senses, you will interact with these ingredients as I explain their particular properties and intentions. These pieces are held in a vessel of receptive well water, intensifying all.  When your spell is complete I will suggest some ways you may continue to integrate this intention with your will and actions.
May All Our Dreams Come True

Greta reflected in her Wish Spell table at Psychic Sister

I have worked on wish spells with Greta over the past year a total of three times. The first time I went because I simply love her, and I was curious to experience the process. The second time I went (and brought my son Zane) because we have a big wish. The third time ended up showing me that all three sessions were linked, related to one big wish I have been manifesting. Amazing work, Universe.

After we went through the guided meditation portion of the wish spell, one of the first things Greta said was the following:

“The answer is yes.”

It just came right through her. So simple, yet profound.

“The answer is yes.”

Much more was said, but this statement was basic and so important, it has stayed with me for weeks. This statement is very in alignment with my basic tenet that the Universe is benevolent. The law of attraction is set up so that the Universe is always saying yes to us.

It’s really that simple. The Universe will always agree with your energy on any situation.

The answer is yes.

Remind yourself this as much as possible. Check in with yourself and your beliefs. Check in with your energy and what you are vibrating. Allow yourself to dream, wish, and believe.

I’ve kept my official wish on my personal altar to remind myself often.

Official Wish

Support can be helpful in noticing what we are saying to the Universe. If you’d like to be supported by Greta or myself in person, check out the Psychic Sister Schedule. I am also available to book phone or skype sessions through my Energy Sessions page.

If you have benefited from my writing and would like to give back, you can do so here, Donate Your Gratitude. Much love.

Divine Mother’s Day Channeled Writing

Photo by g w galbreath photography
Photo by g w galbreath photography

Welcome, Darlings.

We are Divine Mother and we are delighted to speak with you.

Today is an important day in your culture. Mother’s Day. Not because it is done perfectly, but simply because it is done. It is no accident that we chose this day to speak with you. Some may say we have a marketing department. But that is not true. What is true is that the collective consciousness is so focused on the topic of mothering that this gives us a unique opportunity to show up and be heard. (We also had to wait for our semi-resistant channel, Serena, to get on board. She’s not sure she’s a channel. Time will tell!)

We said “welcome” to you, but if you are taking in these words, it is you who have welcomed and yearned for us. We are here. Now.

Do not imagine that we have been silently slaving away in some Universal Kitchen, wondering when you would listen to us. Although, that is a funny image. And we like to have fun. What is also true is that we have been with you the whole time. And nothing has gone particularly wrong. All that has happened in your culture has happened by the consent of the All, and it is, therefore, Holy.

However, it is time for the re-emergence of a more conscious connection with the energy that is Us. This connection can be easy, for we are in everything. Many talk about the stamping out of the goddess and the return of the goddess. Yes, as Divine Mother, we are a face of the goddess. And we say to you, we have never been stamped out. It is only an illusion that we were, and that we, therefore, need to return. However, there will be some resonance in that image for you, and it is ok. Just know, you have never, for one moment, been abandoned.

We have loved you the whole time. We have loved ourselves the whole time. We have loved each other the whole time. Every molecule is infused with us. Every molecule is infused with love.

If you want to honor mothers, listen to them. Not one day. Every day. Create a culture of caring from which you make your decisions. Use care as a basis for both the important decisions and the seemingly trivial ones.

Include all beings in this culture of caring, including the being Mother Earth. Create a culture of caring on a personal level, on a family level, on a societal level, on a global level. Every day. This is honoring your mother. Imagine the shift that will occur!

Some will be confused about the particulars of implementing a culture of caring. There are many potential questions. A big question we can feel coming on already is “Is it caring for all beings to eat an animal? Well, then, what about a plant?” The answer is that there are no absolutes. You must look to your heart in each situation and decide for yourself what feels most caring in any given moment, depending on the particulars of your situation.

Building a culture of caring, if you choose to participate, will be a gradual process. We want to underscore a very important point in this practice of building a culture a caring. When deciding, in any given moment, “Is this a caring word, thought, or action?”, always, always, always include self.

Do this with love. You will not do it perfectly every day or any particular day. That is ok. That is creation. And the paradox is that it is always perfect. Please gently move away from guilt, shame, and condemnation of self or others. There is no judge or jury on the other side waiting to condemn you for a “wrong” move. All is well. In fact, there are no wrong moves. It is no one’s job on earth or in heaven to judge another for any perceived wrongdoing. Please keep that in mind.

We can feel many of you thinking, “But this shift that needs to happen is so big! This is so overwhelming! Our culture will not change. It is greedy and profit driven and full of fear.” We understand your overwhelm. We hold you in this deep fear that true change and caring are impossible. We hold you there. Please take a moment for yourself and any of these feelings you may have. We are with you. When you feel ready, continue.

Photo by gw galbreath photography
Photo by gw galbreath photography

This deep change to a culture of caring is a very personal thing. It comes from within the heart of every being. And it is already happening. There are many, many beings who are yearning for it at this time. The answer is simple, but not easy. You have heard it many times before, but perhaps not in this exact context. To create a culture of caring, you must be the one who cares. It is an act of creation. It is an act of love. In the truest sense, this starts from the center of All: your very own heart, your very own person.

We are Divine Mother, and we love you.

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Right Now, You’re Fine.

Right Now Meme FB

Right now,
You’re fine.

Worry and anxiety
tend to be about the future.

If you’re feeling
uncomfortable emotions like these,
that’s ok.

Bring yourself back
to the current moment.

Chances are,
no matter what else is happening…
Right now, you’re fine.

You may have pain.
You may have heartache.
You may need to make a change.
You may need to seek help.
You may need to take action.

That’s ok, too.


Right now, you’re fine.

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