“I am a powerful creator” affirmation

I am a powerful creator

Affirmations are an interesting phenomenon. Some people say they work wonders, other feel they don’t work at all. Anyone who has consciously been working with manifestation for a period of time is likely to have an opinion.

Energetically, people will get different results from affirmations because words are only one part of the manifestation equation. Manifestation comes about as a result of one’s overall energy… that includes thoughts, words, actions, and feelings. All of these things make up one’s frequency. And frequency is what attracts.

So, if you are saying some words that are not in alignment with your thoughts, actions and/or feelings, there is a chance they may not have much power. Basically, if you do not really believe, act, and feel with what you are saying, the words won’t have the oomph you are desiring.

Now, some people use affirmations fully understanding that and recommend you just sort of “fake it til you make it”. i.e. just keep saying it until you convince yourself. I’m not sure if that works or not. Because, I don’t honestly have the patience for it. It’s not fun or interesting to continue repeat something I don’t really feel.

This morning, however, I hit on what I felt was perhaps the “granddaddy” of affirmations… “I am a powerful creator.” BECAUSE I have been learning and using manifestation consciously for so long, I really do believe that. So, this may or may not work for anyone. But for those of us who have this as a core belief, do you see the magic?

Just reminding ourselves of this shifts the vibration. “Oh, hey… wtf am I worrying about? I AM a powerful creator.”

Try it.

I love that it shifted me into feeling empowered and also made me feel more inspired to act on all I am creating.

I AM a powerful creator.

You too.

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I have been seeing a lot of things on social media saying people can’t “adult” anymore today. They want to be a child. They want to be a mermaid.

I get it. Commitments. Responsibilities. Bills. It’s exhausting and no fun. I’ve been there. I’m there sometimes now. But not very often. Because I have chosen change. Radical change. It’s scary, but it’s been so fulfilling.

Work and responsibilities are not inherently awful. It’s just that most of us have been conditioned into doing things that don’t suit us because we think we have to in order to survive. Buying things we don’t need because happiness feels scarce. Making our kids behave, act, look a certain way.

Work and responsibility can be things we really choose for ourselves from our deepest heart. They can be done in a way that honors mind, body, and soul. Then, “adulting” is transformed. Sometimes we need time to figure out how to do this. Sometimes we need mentors or guides. But it is worth it.

The truth is, in most peoples’ lives, it sucks just as much to be a child. Told what to do 24/7, forced to sit in a desk for 6-8 hours a day when your body wants to move. Having to ask if you can go to the bathroom. It may suck worse. I actually way prefer being an adult. At least I have SOME say in how I make my choices and live my life.

That may be the problem. People have been so conditioned to do all the things they think they have to… go to school, get in a bunch of debt, please others, get a crappy job to try to get out of the debt, get a house, get more debt, get a job that pays more and requires more of you, buy all the STUFF you “need” to be “happy”, get in more debt, get more imprisoned.

It’s not being an adult that people have a problem with. It’s being a human in this ridiculous society we have all energetically agreed to. It’s being imprisoned.

If we start to reorganize society, being an adult won’t be so shitty. And being a kid will be better, too.

I know it feels overwhelming to reorganize this society. It overwhelms me sometimes, too. Start with the small things. Allow yourself freedom. Say no more. See what is really imprisoning you. Let things go.  Do what you love more. Let your children be free and be themselves as much as possible. Start with you. Grassroots, Baby. This is the way the world REALLY changes. There is no politician or preacher on a white horse that can do it for us.

There is a good chance that there are actually a lot of changes you could make in your life right now that would free you and make you happier. And, as an adult, you have the power to make those choices. Those choices are likely to look different for each individual.

One of the most freeing things I did was take my kid out of school. I thought I was freeing him, but I was freeing myself as well. That may not be your path. We all have our own paths. But I trust that your path is there, just as mine has been. Be brave.

You can make a life, even in our current society, that really does rule regardless of your age. Start now. Bless.

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A culture of consent and caring

culture of caring

What if more socioeconomic discussion dissolved into laughter at the end?

What if we listened to the hearts of the grandmothers and grandfathers?

What if we listened to the words of the children?

What if we listened to the needs of all? All people. All races. All ages. All genders. Nature.

What if we put caring as a national priority?


What if we put caring as a world priority? (Maybe nations aren’t necessary.)

Perhaps we can start with it as a personal priority. Be sure to include yourself.

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Speak up. You matter.

Speak up You matter

Old paradigm ideas have a tendency to come to the surface for re-evaluation.  This affords those of us who happen to be conscious, aware, sensitive, new-thought visionaries quite an opportunity.

What does that look like and what are the opportunities it affords?

Well, it looks like some people bringing forth ideas that are very much not in our highest interest anymore. (In conversation, in public settings, on social media.) And a small percentage of people recognizing how damaging these can be. But these ideas have been embedded in our psyches for years. And the people who recognize the need for new ideas have been shamed and silenced for years.

Why am I telling you this?

Because I am one of those people who recognize the need for real, deep, lasting, authentic, heartfull change. And since you are reading this, you likely are, too.

But it can be so hard to speak up.

So hard.

Most of us have been conditioned from the womb and as children that our thoughts, feelings, opinions don’t matter. We are told to be quiet, to take it, it’s just “the way things are”.

That is not true.

Your thoughts, feelings, opinions do matter. They do. Your voice is important. My voice is important.

Speak up.

Tips for speaking up

  1. Determine if you have the right audience. Is the person or people you are considering speaking up to AT ALL open to your ideas or caring about your feelings or experience? If you know in your heart, the answer is no… Ok, don’t speak up to that person. No casting pearls before swine. That just opens you up to bad feelings and not wanting to do it again. Plus it’s a waste of everyone’s time.  You are precious. Your time is precious. This feels like starting with a paradox, but life is full of paradox. So be it.

If you determine you have a reasonable chance of openness from your audience, try this…

  1. Be brave.
  2. Be kind.
  3. Use “I” statements. Say how you see things. Say how certain things make you feel. Give your perspective without blame.
  4. Let it go. You may or may not get the result you want from this audience. A positive result is great, but not ensured.

Whatever happens, it was a good practice for you. It’s a muscle. The more you speak up, the better your life becomes. The better your life becomes, the better life becomes for all.

You can do this.

Your voice matters. Speak up. Kindly. Bravely. Responsibly.

If you feel there is no one in your life who can openly and kindly hear your truth, find new people.

It’s a big world out there.

You matter.

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We Can All Get Our Needs Met

Bleeding Hearts

I recently saw a post from a Facebook friend that asked this question (paraphrased): Is it better to put your spouse first or your kids first?

To my near utter shock, people dutifully weighed in on which should be prioritized, spouse or kids. They all had what they considered very logical arguments and were quite passionate about their choice.

It made my heart sink.

People truly believe, in so many cases, that we must make choices like that. For one to win, others must lose. This is ground into us.

The new paradigm belief, however, is this:

We can all get our needs met.

Feel into that.

We can all get our needs met.

I replied that it depended on the situation and that we like to use needs-based negotiation in my family. Sometimes it is obvious whose needs come first… someone is bleeding, someone is crying. If your kid is sick, they are likely to be prioritized over that date with your spouse. If everyone is fine, but your spouse feels neglected, then that takes precedence.

Sometimes it is less obvious. Then you simply ask each person what they want or need. It does take some time and care, but it is so worth it to live from the idea that we can all be happy. Often you will find ingenious solutions that allow everyone to get what they want or need once it is all out on the table. But you have to start from the belief that it is possible, or you can’t get there!

Other times, one person will see quite clearly that their need is just not that strong and will gladly concede to someone else’s need. Because, really, we all want all of us to be happy. And the strongest need can be felt energetically when we pay attention and allow.

Let’s try starting from here, however, and see what develops…

We can all get our needs met.

It’s a freakin’ abundant universe. Believe.


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New Beginnings

We are in a season of New Beginnings. In fact, we are in a whole AGE of New Beginnings. Many of us have been purging and cleaning up our old lives for months or years. We are each at our own unique spot in this journey, but we are all on the journey.

For me, I feel I am very close to being done with cleaning out the accumulated stuff of the old. In my life, this has manifested in numerous ways. First, I worked on myself. Then, people began to leave my experience. Then, I had to work on the emotional and spiritual upheaval that these leavings caused in me. After the mental and emotional work, there was some legal work. Next, came the actual physical work. Somehow, many of the people who left my life left their STUFF with me. I have been cleaning out the actual physical stuff that five different people have accumulated throughout the last 70 years.

This has been some of the hardest work I have ever done.

There is always some of that clearing to be done on a regular basis, if you want to keep your life and space healthy. But this past year has been an epic overhaul that has completely changed my life. I haven’t been able to control the process. I have only been able to surrender and ride the waves. Much help has shown up. Not the people who helped me create the mess. New people.

I always knew I needed to clean up this mess before I fully rebirthed myself into a new reality. It was overwhelming and daunting. I’ve had to take many breaks, but never quit. I have persevered, and it is almost done.

I’ve been looking forward to this day of stepping into the new. Being unshackled from the old and creating unfettered. And here it is. It took longer than I thought, but here it is. I’ve had thoughts and projects brewing that I kept shelving and waiting. And now it is getting the time to begin.

It’s exciting. And a little bit terrifying, this blank page before me.

I got stage fright when it came time to write the first piece for this new page with my new identity. “What will I say?” “There is nothing to say.” “There is everything to say.” “How should I say it?” “Will anyone care?” “What if I don’t like it in two weeks?” And on and on and on, the thoughts they wander.

And then I realized… Just begin it.

Well, I said a prayer and things clarified.

Just begin it.

It doesn’t need to be perfect, and yet it will be.

Just begin it.

One of the most beautiful things about the Internet age is that we are uniquely invited to give up on being perfect. We can create more and faster than ever. And it’s always changing. Nothing is set in stone. And things can seemingly last forever on the Internet. Terrifying and freeing.

What if, in two weeks, we don’t like what we created? That makes it hard to get started. There’s a good chance that could happen. It’s actually a good thing when that happens to any artist or maker or creator. It signals evolution. Each step is necessary to get where we are. Celebrate it. Celebrate every step of the process. Celebrate every little thing you no longer like. Let it be.

So, if you are on the cusp of your own New Beginning…

Just begin it.

It’s all ok. You got this. We’ve got it together.


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